Scottish National Tartan

July 9, 2020
Scottish National Tartan |

Tartans of most types are worn on Tartan Day, which acknowledges and celebrates the contributions of Scots and their particular descendants in Canada on April 6.

Scottish Highland performers perform at a nationwide Tartan Day event on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario.Scottish Highland performers perform at a nationwide Tartan Day party on Parliament Hill in Ottawa,

Just What Do Individuals Do?

Tartan Day parties consist of parades with pipeline bands, highland dance and activities, alongside neighborhood gatherings with Scottish-themed occasions. While many different tartans are shown, the maple leaf tartan is Canada’s official tartan.

Public Life

Tartan Day is an observance and never a community vacation in Canada.


On October 21, 2010, the Minister of Canadian Heritage formally declared April 6 as Tartan Day. It really is celebrated on April 6 since it is the anniversary of signing of Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, the Scottish declaration of liberty. In Canada, a single day originated from the belated 1980s in Nova Scotia, where it was announced an official time because of the provincial federal government. It then spread across the country, with many provinces joining in.

Nationwide Tartan Day Observances

Weekday Time Year Title Getaway Type In which it's Observed Tue Apr 6 2010 Observance Wed Apr 6 2011 Nationwide Tartan Day Observance Fri Apr 6 2012 National Tartan Day Observance Sat Apr 6 2013 National Tartan Day Observance Sun Apr 6 2014 National Tartan Day Observance Mon Apr 6 2015 Nationwide Tartan Day Observance Wed Apr 6 2016 National Tartan Day Observance Thu Apr 6 2017 National Tartan Day Observance Fri Apr 6 2018 National Tartan Day Observance Sat Apr 6 2019 National Tartan Day Observance Mon Apr 6 2020 National Tartan Day
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