Men’s Highland Fashion held speed with contemporary flavor and magnificence until it was delivered to a screeching halt by war-effort ‘clothes rationing’ in 1916. This hasn’t evolved since.
I'm today working with a few local Bespoke tailors to style and produce a line of men’s day- and evening-wear jackets which can be regarding leading edge of fashion in ‘cut’, ‘fit’ and ‘choice of fabric’.
I will post images when I design jackets (and when/if I persuade their brand new proprietors to send myself a photo).
Fasten your (immaculately-tailored) seatbelt!
Inverness Capes
in the past I happened to be asked by a customer which will make a wool Inverness Cape for him. It attracted a large amount of interest and I now offer all of them as part of my regular line
We make these capes from hefty Melton wool cloth with a silk or satin lining. We have added deep pockets to help keep the fingers cozy in, and an inside pocket for a flask or what-have-you.