Phoenix, AZ classic rock DJ Paul “NeanderPaul” Marshall (oh, morning FM jocks, please don’t ever before change…) features published a supercut of over 120 (we sat and counted) types of the suspiciously similar final seconds of AC/DC tracks. The result is pretty great, in which he uploaded it towards webpage of his workplace, KSLX FM:
So, you say to yourself; “Gee, most AC/DC songs sound alike.” You’d be correct. Especially the *endings* to AC/DC tracks.
I thought it would be “funny” to snag the endings of all of the AC/DC songs that the power-chord thingie. Little performed I'm sure how labor intensive the project could be.
On his Facebook page, Marshall promises that we now have no repeaters, though that pledge is most likely unnecessary—given that AC/DC have been in existence for more than 40 years, have introduced 15 records, and are usually celebrated for anything but stylistic diversity, I’m actually astonished that this is 2 moments and 39 moments lengthy.