Euan Robertson through the Wellington graduation parade in which he led members of the City of Wellington Pipe Band.
The Institute of Communication Design senior lecturer, just who led the parade from Parliament to Civic Square on 30, will don their tartan kilt and skirl his bagpipes during the Nova Scotia Military Tattoo, in Halifax, Canada, the following month.
Mr Robertson is not any complete stranger to these types of large-scale activities, having attended the 2002 and 2005 Edinburgh Military Tattoos along with being part of a composite band welcomed to try out at a military tattoo in Crete last year as part of the 70th anniversary commemoration worldwide War II battle.
The whirl of activity attached to their bagpipe playing may do not have taken place after nearly choosing to retire the instrument considering household obligations some years back. “I had a 15-year hiatus if the kids came along and had been going to flag it completely whenever I got empowered once more by the brilliant modern songs composed for rings from Canada.”
Mr Robertson initially discovered that inspiration as an 11-year-old as he ended up being taught to play by senior pipers from the City of Wellington Pipe Band. He had formal training weekly in the Basin Reserve.